These CCSS aligned interactive task cards target subjective, objective, and possessive pronouns. Students are asked to fill in the blank with the correct pronoun.
• Choose he, she, it, they: 6 task cards x 3 tasks per card = 18 tasks
• Choose his, her, its, their: 6 task cards x 3 tasks per card = 18 tasks
• Choose I or me: 6 task cards x 3 tasks per card = 18 tasks
• Choose my, mine, me: 6 task cards x 3 tasks per card = 18 tasks
• Choose we or us: 6 task cards x 3 tasks per card = 18 tasks
★ How do DICE DECKS work? ★
DICE DECKS are highly engaging and make learning fun! Have a student roll a die. If the die lands on a 1 or 4, task A will be completed. If it lands on a 2 or 5, task B will be completed. If it lands on a 3 or 6, task C will be completed.
★ What are SLPs saying? ★
“These were great for engaging my students and for collaborative activities!” -Jennifer K.
“Great product! It was the perfect practice activity for one of my students having trouble with pronouns!” – Allison Y.
What's Included?
★ What’s Included in this product? ★
• 30 interactive task cards x 3 opportunities each = 90 opportunities to practice this skill!
• Black and white {printer friendly} version of task cards
• Data Sheets
• Student Response Sheets
• Answer key
Purchase this item in the following bundle and save 20%:
Grammar DICE DECKS Mega Bundle