FREE Therapy Skills Checklist for Elementary SLPs! Click here to download now!

Hello and welcome! I'm so glad you're here :)

Hello and welcome! 

I'm so glad you're here :)

Meet Kelly

Hi! I'm Kelly Workman. I created The Elementary SLP in 2015, and it's been my passion ever since.

When I started my first elementary school position, I felt incredibly overwhelmed. I did not feel like I had what I needed to provide effective therapy for my students, and that really got to me. 

I wished for a place I could go online that provided content and products to help me, so I wasn't feeling like I was scrounging for what I needed all the time.

The Elementary SLP was created with that in mind - a desire to build a community where elementary SLPs could come to find help, support, encouragement, and the products they need to do effective therapy.

It's my hope that the content and products on this site will be beneficial to you and help you gain confidence in your therapy skills! I'm looking forward to helping you on your SLP journey! Feel free to contact me with any questions,


Meet Kelly

Hi! I'm Kelly Workman. I created The Elementary SLP in 2015, and it's been my passion ever since.

When I started my first elementary school position, I felt incredibly overwhelmed. I did not feel like I had what I needed to provide effective therapy for my students, and that really got to me. 

I wished for a place I could go online that provided content and products to help me, so I wasn't feeling like I was scrounging for what I needed all the time.

The Elementary SLP was created with that in mind - a desire to build a community where elementary SLPs could come to find help, support, encouragement, and the products they need to do effective therapy.

It's my hope that the content and products on this site will be beneficial to you and help you gain confidence in your therapy skills! I'm looking forward to helping you on your SLP journey!

Feel free to contact me with any questions,


A little about me...

I live in South Carolina with my husband and 5 children, 2 boys and 3 girls. 

I had my oldest child at the age of 22 and my youngest at the age of 35, so I'll be 53 when my youngest graduates from high school! 

My world revolves around my hubby and my kids and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm looking forward to having lots of grand kids running around in the future. 

I enjoy cooking for my family, playing board games with my kids, listening to motivational Ted Talks and podcasts, and I absolutely love making a difference in the lives of elementary SLPs! 

Don't forget to grab this FREE Therapy Skills Checklist just for Elementary SLPs!

Don't forget to grab this FREE Therapy Skills Checklist just for Elementary SLPs!

Not exactly sure of all the skills you are responsible for teaching as an elementary SLP? 

This checklist contains over 70 skills divided by 17 domains of speech and language. Grab it now for free!

BONUS: There are 14 extra pages included that divide these skills by grade and include the Common Core State Standards for each skill in each grade!

This checklist contains over 70 skills divided by 17 domains of speech and language. Grab it now for free!